7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

We are excited to take part in Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots photo game. Here are our super shots for each category.


1. A photo that takes my breath away

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

Havasu Falls in Arizona was one of the few places that have literally taken my breath away. I couldn’t believe a place like this existed and that we were seeing it with our own eyes. It’s like something out of a fairytale and I wouldn’t expect it to be only a short 8-hour drive away from San Diego. It’s not too often we find a destination that we would be happy to visit again and again.


2. A photo that makes me laugh or smile

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

I’m still shocked that I was able to capture this shot at the San Diego Safari Park. We were mesmerized by the Colobus Monkeys jumping from tree to tree with their long hair flowing all around them. I always imagine this little guy as praying to the monkey gods after a satisfying scratch.


3. A photo that makes me dream

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

If this steamy solitude photo doesn’t make you dream, then I don’t know what will. We took this at Black Sand Basin in Yellowstone National Park. I made Scott stand in the middle of the sulfur smelling steam for about five minutes while I obsessed over getting the perfect photo that represents solitude.

Another one of my favorite photos that make me dream was captured of the red tide bioluminescence in San Diego.


4. A photo that makes me think

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

I was blown away when Scott showed me this shot. I didn’t even realize he was photographing me at the Yuma Prison. I love the harsh light, which I think gives this photo an erie, yet contemplative feeling. He’s really good at capturing those spontaneous photos that make you think.


5. A photo that makes my mouth water

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

Our trip to San Antonio was full of gluttony. Before our visit, I had no idea San Antonio had so many tasty restaurants to choose from. This breakfast dish was one of our favorites from the Liberty Bar Restaurant. We are in the process of putting together a post of our favorite places to eat in this intriguing city.


6. A photo that tells a story

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

I was surprised at how many hilarious captions this photo evoked when we posted it as a photo of the week. I think it’s one of those photos where you really wonder what these two ladies are thinking. I certainly wonder what they must have been thinking of the crazy lady who was willing to pay them to take their photo.


7. A photo that I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)

7 Super Shots Photo Game Courtesy of Hostel Bookers

This was a hard one to choose. When I think of National Geographic, I think of great portraits taken in far away lands. I almost chose our Sadhu in Kathmandu photo, but I think this one has more charisma since the subject is not looking straight into the camera.

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  1. Victoria Philpott says:

    #2 is amazing! Talk about being there at the right time 🙂

  2. Candice Walsh says:

    Ooh, can’t wait to write mine up! The Arizona one is definitely my favourite! SUCH BLUENESS! 

  3. Yours photos always make me smile! They’re well thought out with some apprropriate editing. You guys put a lot of pride in their work and it shows. I remain most captivated by your Yuma Prison photos! Always great photography guys – thanks for the smile 🙂

  4. Technosyncratic says:

    Yay, we’ve been tagged! 🙂  I really like all of these shots, but #2 and #6 are my favorite.  They both perfectly capture a moment, and that monkey makes me laugh every time I see it.

  5. Amanda Williams says:

    I really like this meme! And your photos are fantastic.

  6. thetravelchica says:

    Gorgeous!  Must have been hard to pick just 7 out of your amazing portfolio.

  7. Oh great game… love every shot!!! Wow… just wow… I got a long was to go in my photo taking.