10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country

10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country

I’m partial to viewing photos with saturated colors that pop out at you, so finding photos to convert to black and white is usually tough for me. Even though I really like the color version of some of these photos, I think the black and white version gives them a unique feeling.

To give you a little back story about the people in these photos, most of the photos were taken in either Dhading or Bhaktapur. I found that most of the children in Nepal loved getting their photos taken.

The one of the young girl with the shawl wrapped around her was not shy at all about asking me to take her photo. Other children would try to get in the picture and she would move away from them, point to herself and say, “Me!” She was very photogenic, as you can see, so most of her photos came out very well. The picture you see here was the closest she ever came to smiling in her photos.

I’m not sure why some of the children chose not to smile when a camera was pointed at them, because without a camera around they were full of joy and wide-stretched grins.

I would, of course, show everyone the picture in my LCD screen as soon as it was taken and the children would laugh and giggle. The lady in the very top photo gave a squinty look after I showed her this photo as if to say she didn’t like the way she looked. I think she is beautiful.

I’m eternally grateful for the kindness these people have shown me and their willingness to open their hearts to me.


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country


10 Photos of Nepal That Will Make You Fall In Love With This Country



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  1. Lisa @chickybus says:

    Wow…this is a fantastic photo essay. I’m beyond impressed. Love the subjects’ eyes and the expressions on their faces. Conveys so much. Awesome work!!!

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Lisa!

  2. These are beautiful, Christy! I love how you honor them in your last sentence by saying how grateful you are. So true, I find that locals are willing to open their hearts as long as we show a genuine interest in learning about them and their culture.

    We need to get together one day so you can tell me about your trip in person. 🙂 — Michelle

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you! I was just thinking about you and Grace and how we need to get together. Summer is here. Let’s do a beach day!

  3. Technosyncratic says:

    Beautiful! I love all of these, but I think the one with the man and the bell is my favorite.  🙂

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you! I almost didn’t put the one with the bell in the essay. Now I’m glad I did!

  4. Ayngelina says:

    Such amazing faces, even the children look so wise.

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      They are probably wiser than some adults I know. 😉

  5. Peter Heck says:

    Really incredible shots.  So many precious, enchanting faces!  Very well done!

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thanks, Pete!

  6. You take such beautiful portrait Christy! I agree with you that black & white give them something in the photos. A feeling, an emotion and a story. 

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you, Sarah. You are very kind. 🙂

  7. The Dropout says:

    Oh, Christy, this is just fabulous. I love photography, especially black and white, I love Nepal, I love dogs, I love kids. I wish I was right beside you snapping away!
    (The fact that I’m tearing up here is probably another sign that I really should not accept the job offer that will keep me stuck in Singapore for another six to nine months.)
    I really, really loved this post. Keep up the brilliant work.

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m sure there is lots more to explore in Singapore. Hang in there!

  8. Some more great photos guys! Love the one with the guy reading the newspaper

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you! That’s a favorite of mine too.

  9. Nomadic Samuel says:

    Great storytelling photos capturing a wide range of emotions.  

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      Thank you, Samuel!

  10. I’m always hesitant to remove colors. But, I agree, sometimes the subdued colors actually does add an emotion to the photograph. This is most especially true, I think, with photographs of people. I love how you captured the essence of life in their portraits. The Dhading young boy’s cute face and smile also brings a smile to my face.

  11. Rease Kirchner says:

    I love these photos! I think black and white can really show a different emotion.

  12. Love the photos!! The B&W really brings out the details and we focus on the expressions when not distracted by color! Great job!!

  13. Ohhh these are great subjects for black and white. Love!

  14. Huubsanders says:

    Awesome pictures Christy!  Love to see these. Wish I was back in Dhading again….

    Huub  (Michelle’s spouse)

  15. Randy Kalp says:

    Fabulous! You did an amazing job with this photo essay!

  16. Beautiful pictures, very evocative of the spirit of the place.

  17. Love all these photos. I’ve found that people are better subjects than some old building or temple. I’m headed to Nepal in October and can’t wait. This post is definitely inspiring

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      I’m glad our post and photos have inspired you. Nepal is a great place for portraits. You will love it!

  18. Deepak Khanal says:

    Wow.. it is incredible. I love to watch such photos of Nepali people. Thanks

  19. Annie Tsai says:

    I like how the children’s eyes sparkles in those photos, as if they have the secret to happiness that we do not know

  20. Annie @ Wayward Traveller says:

    These are such stunning shots, the black and white adds so much character to them. 

    I love photos of people; it’s fun to get to imagine the stories behind them and I love hearing that getting their photos taken makes them so happy. 

  21. I’m always afraid to ask people to take their photo. But seeing photos like this, makes me want to be more adventurous. They are great!

  22. Grace-Pinayonthemove says:

    Beautiful photos! It’s been a long time since I shot in B&W and this has inspired me to do so again.

  23. Stephanie - The Travel Chica says:

    Enjoyed the portraits.  I also have been trying to push myself to look at my photos again and see which may actually be better in black-and-white.  It is strange that I absolutely love black-and-white photography but have a lot of difficulty seeing my own photos that way.

    1. Ordinary Traveler says:

      I’m the same way. I look forward to seeing your B&W conversions.

  24. These are incredible. I actually had my parents send me my film camera while I was on my RTW trip so I could take black and white shots…I took a grand total of…0! You’ve inspired me to try again 🙂 

  25. Debbie Beardsley says:

    I really like black and white photos.  They convey such a different emotion than color!  Loved all of your subjects!

  26. Amazing photos Christy!  I really like them in black and white, it makes the people stand out more.

  27. Bluegreen Kirk says:

    What a great photo essay and i think that these photos were better served in black and white vs the saturated colors.  Great job!