Free Creative Commons Travel Photos

OUR FREE TRAVEL PHOTOS ARE LICENSED USING A CREATIVE COMMONS LEASE LICENSE: You may use these images for educational and non-commercial projects and may distribute unlimited copies of your production. Written credit and link must be given to (Image from For full license details read the license information below.

Theses images are and remain the property of and are leased to the user only for use ONLY on educational and non-commercial projects including video, podcast, etc. Our “Free Travel Photos” are licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike License, and as part of proper attribution we require the following:

1. You must provide credit to By using any of our free images on this page, you agree to give written credit and link to as as follows: “Image from“. This attribution must be provided in all locations where the work containing our image is listed including, but not limited to; video description, credits, your website, etc.

2. Note: ONLY the photos listed on this page can be downloaded and used under the Creative Commons license. Photos from all other pages are not licensed under the Creative Commons license.

3. You can download by right clicking on the photo or download directly from our Flickr profile.